VIN Codes
Details for VIN: JF2SKELC5PH522707 - SUBARU 2023
- Suggested VIN: JF2SK!LC5PH522707
- Error Code: 4,14
- Possible Values: (6:ADH)
- Additional Error Text: In the Possible values section, the Numeric value before the : indicates the position in error and the values after the : indicate the possible values that are allowed in this position. Unused position(s): 6,8;
- Error Text: 4 - VIN corrected, error in one position only (indicated by ! in Suggested VIN), multiple matches found; 14 - Unable to provide information for some of the characters in the VIN, based on the manufacturer submission.
- Vehicle Descriptor: JF2SKELC*PH
- Make: SUBARU
- Manufacturer Name: SUBARU CORPORATION
- Model Year: 2023
- Trim: Wilderness ES, SMART
- Plant Country: JAPAN
- Plant Company Name: Yajima Plant
- Note: ES : EyeSight / HK : Harman Kardon / SMART : SMART ENTRY&PUSHSTART / NAVI: Navigation
- Trailer Type Connection: Not Applicable
- Trailer Body Type: Not Applicable
- Transmission Style: Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
- Drive Type: AWD/All-Wheel Drive
- Bus Floor Configuration Type: Not Applicable
- Bus Type: Not Applicable
- Custom Motorcycle Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Suspension Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Chassis Type: Not Applicable
You can check the vehicle history with this VIN code on the following sources: