VIN Codes
Details for VIN: SCFVUJAW0MTV01530 - ASTON MARTIN DBX 2021
- Error Text: 0 - VIN decoded clean. Check Digit (9th position) is correct
- Vehicle Descriptor: SCFVUJAW*MT
- Model: DBX
- Model Year: 2021
- Plant City: ST ATHAN
- Series: AM8
- Vehicle Type: PASSENGER CAR
- Plant Country: UNITED KINGDOM (UK)
- Body Class: Hatchback/Liftback/Notchback
- Doors: 5
- Bed Type: Not Applicable
- Cab Type: Not Applicable
- Trailer Type Connection: Not Applicable
- Trailer Body Type: Not Applicable
- Steering Location: Left-Hand Drive (LHD)
- Number of Seats: 5
- Number of Seat Rows: 2
- Transmission Style: Automatic
- Transmission Speeds: 9
- Engine Number of Cylinders: 8
- Displacement (CC): 4000.0
- Displacement (CI): 244.09497637892
- Displacement (L): 4.0
- Engine Model: 177950
- Fuel Type - Primary: Gasoline
- Engine Configuration: V-Shaped
- Engine Brake (hp) From: 542
- Other Engine Info: Petrol / Twin Turbo
- Turbo: Yes
- Engine Manufacturer: Aston Martin
- Pretensioner: Yes
- Seat Belt Type: Manual
- Other Restraint System Info: Airbags: - Drv: seat & cantrail - Pass: seat & cantrail - Rear Outboard: Side (Lower C Pillar) Seat belts - Drv: 3-point ELR, pyro-pretensioners (Retractor & Sill), adaptive load limiter within retractor - Pass: 3-point ELR, pyro-pretensioners (Retractor & Sill), adaptive load limiter within retractor + ALR - Rear Outboard: 3-point ELR, pyro-pretensioners (Retractor), single-stage load limiter within retractor + ALR - Rear Centre: 3-point ELR/ALR
- Front Air Bag Locations: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
- Knee Air Bag Locations: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
- Side Air Bag Locations: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
- Bus Floor Configuration Type: Not Applicable
- Bus Type: Not Applicable
- Custom Motorcycle Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Suspension Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Chassis Type: Not Applicable
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