VIN Codes
Details for VIN: WDDMH4EBXDJ172005 - MERCEDES-BENZ 2013
- Suggested VIN: WDD!H4EBXDJ172005
- Error Code: 4,14
- Possible Values: (4:EGHJKLNPR)
- Additional Error Text: In the Possible values section, the Numeric value before the : indicates the position in error and the values after the : indicate the possible values that are allowed in this position. Unused position(s): 4,5,6,7;
- Error Text: 4 - VIN corrected, error in one position only (indicated by ! in Suggested VIN), multiple matches found; 14 - Unable to provide information for some of the characters in the VIN, based on the manufacturer submission.
- Vehicle Descriptor: WDDMH4EB*DJ
- Manufacturer Name: MERCEDES-BENZ CARS
- Model Year: 2013
- Plant City: RASTATT
- Vehicle Type: PASSENGER CAR
- Plant Country: GERMANY
- Bed Type: Not Applicable
- Cab Type: Not Applicable
- Trailer Type Connection: Not Applicable
- Trailer Body Type: Not Applicable
- Pretensioner: Yes
- Seat Belt Type: Manual
- Other Restraint System Info: Type 2 seat belts for all occupants. Seat belts on all outboard designated seating positions are equipped with load limiters and pretensioners.
- Front Air Bag Locations: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
- Side Air Bag Locations: 1st and 2nd Rows
- Bus Floor Configuration Type: Not Applicable
- Bus Type: Not Applicable
- Custom Motorcycle Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Suspension Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Chassis Type: Not Applicable
You can check the vehicle history with this VIN code on the following sources: