VIN Codes
Details for VIN: WMZYW5C01L3L13359 - MINI Countryman 2020
- Error Text: 0 - VIN decoded clean. Check Digit (9th position) is correct
- Vehicle Descriptor: WMZYW5C0*L3
- Make: MINI
- Manufacturer Name: BMW AG
- Model: Countryman
- Model Year: 2020
- Plant City: BORN
- Series: Cooper ALL4
- Plant Country: NETHERLANDS
- Body Class: Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)/Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)
- Doors: 4
- Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From: Class 1C: 4,001 - 5,000 lb (1,814 - 2,268 kg)
- Trailer Type Connection: Not Applicable
- Trailer Body Type: Not Applicable
- Wheel Size Front (inches): 18
- Wheel Size Rear (inches): 18
- Number of Seats: 5
- Number of Seat Rows: 2
- Engine Number of Cylinders: 3
- Displacement (CC): 1500.0
- Displacement (CI): 91.53561614209
- Displacement (L): 1.5
- Fuel Type - Primary: Gasoline
- Engine Brake (hp) From: 134
- Pretensioner: Yes
- Seat Belt Type: Manual
- Other Restraint System Info: Seat Belt: All Positions / Pretensioners: Driver & Passenger / Head IR (Inflatable Restraint): Rear Outboard Driver-side, Rear Outboard Passenger-side / Manual safety belts with driver and passenger dual-stage suppl. restraint system (SRS) certified to the advanced airbag req'ments of FMVSS 208, S14 /
- Curtain Air Bag Locations: 1st and 2nd Rows
- Front Air Bag Locations: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
- Knee Air Bag Locations: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
- Side Air Bag Locations: 1st Row (Driver and Passenger)
- Anti-lock Braking System (ABS): Standard
- Electronic Stability Control (ESC): Standard
- Traction Control: Standard
- Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Type: Direct
- Auto-Reverse System for Windows and Sunroofs: Standard
- Keyless Ignition: Standard
- Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): Optional
- Backup Camera: Standard
- Parking Assist: Optional
- Bus Floor Configuration Type: Not Applicable
- Bus Type: Not Applicable
- Custom Motorcycle Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Suspension Type: Not Applicable
- Motorcycle Chassis Type: Not Applicable
- Dynamic Brake Support (DBS): Standard
- Automatic Crash Notification (ACN) / Advanced Automatic Crash Notification (AACN): Standard
- Daytime Running Light (DRL): Standard
- Headlamp Light Source: LED
- Semiautomatic Headlamp Beam Switching: Standard
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